Our goal is to assist and support our clients on a long-term basis. We offer multiple maintenance solutions to fit our clients’ needs, from standard packages to customized maintenance plans.


More than 50% of the enquiries about the hardware can be processed remotely through the normative and technical guidance of our experts. We provide a hotline as a first step to help diagnose and resolve any problems.

On-site Intervention

The strategic presence of our technical teams and partners close to the main ski resorts assures a fast intervention on-site when our clients require it or when a major operation needs it. Ski resorts need to provide real-time and accurate information to their guests, and we are here to make sure all the devices perform at the highest standard.

Preventative Maintenance

Before the ski season, inspections are made to ensure that the equipment is working properly, and that parts that are nearing end-of-life are replaced before they become an issue during the season. Our clients who are busy getting ready for the season can focus on everything else.